• Development that works for everyone
  • Keeping a handle on runaway taxes
  • Improving quality of life through improving services

John Allen

PCHS Marching Band

Trustee Joan Grangenois-Thomas

Allen Family

Allens at the Cap

Phil Dorazio

A Team for port chester

I’m running for Port Chester Village Trustee on the Democratic Ticket with Trustee Joan Grangenois-Thomas and Phil Dorazio.  We believe that development in Port Chester should benefit the community, adding to our tax base while providing for the needs of residents of the Village.

We feel that any tax incentives provided to developers should be in exchange for tangible benefits to the community, such as upgrading infrastructure, providing affordable housing, and accommodating businesses and residents who are displaced by new development at rents similar to their previous rates.

We believe that some basic services of the Village can be quickly and cost-effectively improved, such as adding dual language services, translations of meetings, streamlining of permitting and other services that will improve quality of life of our residents.

Tuesday, March 15
Vote row a
for the democratic ticket!
6 votes, 3 candidates
2 – 2 – 2
Joan, John & Phil